Nonini finally gives 2 reasons as to why he relocated to America

• Nonini spills the beans on why he relocated to America

• Nonini who stays in Maryland in the US, landed in Nairobi for a media tour and shows after three years of being away.


Legendary Kenyan rapper Nonini has finally revealed why he relocated to the United States of America.

Speaking to Lulu Hassan, Nonini said that the need to be closer to his son who stays in the US, and the need to streamline his income channels pushed him to relocate.

He added that the Covid lockdown had a hand in his relocation as he could no longer make money as an artiste while indoors.

Nonini who stays in Maryland in the US, landed in Nairobi for a media tour and shows after three years of being away.

I relocated because my son stays in the US and I wanted as a father to be near him because right now he is 11 years old. My presence there was very paramount.

Another thing that prompted my relocation was the Covid lockdown and as Creatives we could not make money, no stimulus packages, and no night life. You know as artistes we make money through performance so I thought about and I decided to relocate,” Nonini said.

At the same time, Nonini faulted the Kenyan systems as far as royalty collection is concerned for musicians (Creatives).

“I have fought this war for close to 20 years now. Cartels are in control… severally we tell even the President and the Minister in charge but nothing changes,” he said.

During the interview, the We Kam hitmaker challenged Kenyan musicians to build brands they could depend on for years.

“If you have an idea make sure to push your brand, because in the future when your music goes down, you can still depend on your brand. At the moment I fully depend on my brand, I made music and now I don’t need to sing every day because the brand is there. So now I just make music when I want to,” Nonini shared.

Additionally, Nonini mentioned that he currently makes his money through his apparel line dubbed Mgenge 2Ru.

“Building African brands. You make different revenue streams with music…I made this brand from nothing…and I have people who work for me here in Kenya as all the clothes are made here but the shows and caps are made in the US,” he added.

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