Jimal Rohosafi reveals the massive amount of weight he's lost

• The wealthy businessman has been quietly losing weight from a gastric balloon he had installed back in October.

Jimal Rohosafi
Image: Instagram

Somali businessman Jimal Rohosafi has been quietly losing weight after installing the gastric balloon, a cosmetic form of surgery.

On October 2, 2023, Jimal while in Turkey for another surgery, announced he had chosen the gastric balloon as his preferred mode to lose the much-needed weight he felt overburdened him.

He shared a video of the medical professional shoving a tube down his throat. They later took some measurements which he didn't explain.

The procedure frightened Kenyans, but he was quick to reassure them that it was painless.

Since then, that has been a 14-week process that he shared has borne fruits. He has shed 27 kilos. He was originally 105kgs, and he is now 78.

"Weight loss within 3 months before 105kg to today 78kg," he gloriously told of his transformation.

In a reel on his Instagram, Jimal was shirtless, rubbing on his visibly flatter tummy. The mirror selfie video appeared to make him happy with his achievement.

Kenyans too while responding to his announcement praised him for being very 

The same surgery is available in Kenyan and some famous names who have done it locally include Willis Raburu, Kate Actress, Jackie Matubia, Ciru Muriuki, Caroline Mutokao, and Maureen Waititu have done the same and posted their own journeys.

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