1,216 KCSE candidates score a mean grade of A


• The CS added that out of the 1,216 produced A mean grade, a total of 889 were from National schools. 

• In the A- category, a total of 2,782 are females as compared to 4,472 males. 

Education CS Ezekiel Machogu

A total of 1,216 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education candidates have scored a mean grade of A. 

825 are males while 391  are females. 

Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu said the number constitutes 0.14 per cent. 

Further, Machogu said a total of 201,133 candidates who sat the 2023 KCSE examination have qualified for the University set points.

"This is 22.27 per cent of students attained direct entry into the university," he said. 

The CS added that out of the 1,216 produced A mean grade, a total of 889 were from National schools. 

In the A- category, a total of 2,782 are females as compared to 4,472 males. 

A total of 18,078 attained a mean grade of B+ with 10,370 males and 7,708 females. 

For B plain, there are 36,728 candidates,  while a total of 59,514 scored B-  and 78,343 scored C+. 

A total of 19,960 females scored grade E while 28,214 were males. 

In the D- category, 79,432 are females, while 86,429 are males. 

79,612 females have scored D as compared to 75,664 males. 

66,032 females attained D+ while 58,974 are males. 

Machogu also directed KUCCPS to align their entry requirement with the new grading system, adding that the ministry will ensure candidates are aware of the same. 

According to the new grading structure, only two mandatory subjects were required for computing the mean grade.

In the new grading system that will be applied to the 2023 KCSE exam, the only two mandatory subjects will be Mathematics and one language, (English, Kiswahili or Kenyan Sign Language).

In addition to the two mandatory subjects, Knec considered any other five best-performed subjects by the candidate.

The new reform measure is expected to increase the number of students qualifying for universities, diploma and TVET training at certificate and artisan levels.

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