I almost left my marriage to DJ Mo- Size 8

• Size 8 lost her last pregnancy at 5 months.

•  She battled eclampsia during her pregnancy.

Size 8 and her husband DJ Mo

Size 8 has for the first time revealed that her marriage almost broke after she suffered a miscarriage.

She went on to urge men to be understanding when their women go through such losses.

This he revealed during an interview with Oga Obinna,

"After Wambo I got pregnant.

I was depressed I almost lost my marriage. I was delusional, it affected me. He had to call my sisters to talk to me. I almost left DJ Mo."

She went on to add

"I later got pregnant with my son Muraya and that was the worst pregnancy I had.

I would be paralyze on one side the entire pregnancy. I delivered prematurely.

By the time we were getting to the hospital both the baby and I were almost dying."

Size 8 says she has learned to love and appreciate life more

"I could not go to surgery immediately, I had to be stabilized.

Chances were one of us was to go to the ICU.

The birth went on well but he ended up in ICU."

Size 8 later got pregnant again but ended up losing the pregnancy at 5 months.

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