Kibanda owner finally speaks after charging mzungu 1k for matumbo and ugali

• The incident was exposed online by the Twitter account Wanjikureport. In the video, the mzungu sits down and offers water to wash his hands.

An online outcry has forced a Kibera man to apologize to a mzungu man after overcharging him for a meal in his kibanda.

The Kibanda owner spoke to Durga Show and he profusely apologized for his actions.

"Because of the economy that is why it happened like that but you take it like I overcharge you but I say sorry if you are feeling overcharged. I say sorry don't fear." 

In a viral video three days ago, the Kibanda owner informed French YouTuber Kino Yves that the ugali he wanted to be served cost Sh1000.

The incident was exposed online by the Twitter account Wanjikureport. In the video, the mzungu sits down and offers water to wash his hands.

He thinks of a woman in Kiswahili, and asks, "How much do I owe you for the ugali and the matumbo?"

The owner who is recording the moment on his phone informs the YouTuber that "is 1000 sir." The YouTuber is shocked by the cost "1000?", to which the kibanda owner adds "Only".

The Mzungu laughs, "Really? Because before you told me this is 200. So the ugali is 800 so anyone else who comes will pay 800?"

The Kibera man agrees and says, "Yes sir." This did not sit well with Kenyans online who told off the man for scamming a mzungu, indicating he was very serious. 

The mzungu offers something else, "I'll give you 500 coz I think it's overpriced. The ugali is not 800."

The Kibanda owner then negotiates and tells him "then add 200 more" to indicate he will charge him sh700 instead of sh1000.

"No, no it's okay I will give you 500 because you were .." The mzungu notifies the kibanda owner that he is aware he is being scammed and that's why he was paying sh500. 

"I know you are overcharging me, I will sit and wait if you charge others sh500," he says.

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