How Size 8's relentless stalking of Caroline Mutoko led to her big break

• "It was very difficult for me to distribute because I was broke. I only had 2 CDs. I would beg DJs to copy the songs and hand back the CD," the gifted singer said in part.

Size 8 reborn
Image: Instagram

Size 8 is currently trending with her latest song collabo with Mash Mwana. She however had difficult beginnings as a secular musician hoping to break into the music scene.

Walking down memory lane in an interview with Oga Obinna, Size 8 shared an encouraging message to broke upcoming musicians struggling to catch the attention of DJs, Radio presenters, etc.

She told how she would frequently stalk Caroline Mutoko and Jalang'o until she got her songs played on the radio. Back then, Caroline Mutoko was the Morning Show host on Kiss 100.

"It was very difficult for me to distribute because I was broke. I only had 2 CDs. I would beg DJs to copy the songs and hand back the CD. That's why I encourage wasee. I would enter all the clubs in tao, all of them, there isn't a club I didnt enter.

I did two videos, so I sent Caroline Mutoko emails. I used to stalk her. I used to send her emails daily.  Every day I used to send her an email of my song."

This was not enough for the determined singer,

"And then I also used to go to Kenya National Theatre and wait for Jalang'o there. But I would find him," she expressed her frustration,

"Unaenda haumpati. That is how I used to deal with different Radio Presenters. I used to try and find out where they hang out, huyu hushinda wapi. Huyu hukaa wapi? Nangoja hapo. There is a particular radio station where I recall I waited for the producer as it rained outside. I was outside the gate and was soaking wet. He found me there and promised to play my song."

This determination also paid off,

"So one day I heard that Caroline had played my song. She was talking to Jalang'o asking who size 8 was. Who is this Linet Size 8 sending me this shamba boy? Jalang'o told her about my several attempts to meet her."

Caroline Mutoko
Image: Instagram

Size 8 was at home then and she went to the local duka to beg for sh100 for fare,

"I asked the shopkeeper for mia tuu, nitakurudishia. I went to Lions Place. I waited outside for Caroline and told her Madam thank you so much for playing my song."

Caroline was impressed that Size 8 personally turned up to express gratitude. The song from then on was on airplay on Kiss 100,

"Yaani Caro alinipenda nikasema 'Halleluiah', By the way, Caroline Mutoko. God bless you, big up to you and God bless you for every artist you have held.

When Kiss played the song, every other person followed. Watu wakaanza kucheza. ghafla Vin Bu I was called for a road show."

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