Samidoh is too much for one woman- Brags Karen Nyamu

• Karen and Samidoh have two kids.

• Nyamu says she endorses polygamy.

Karen Nyamu and Samidoh
Image: Twitter

Nominated Senator Karen Nyamu has now said she has no problem supporting polygamy.

The mother of three went on to add that her partner Samidoh is too much for one woman to handle.

This may not come as a surprise given Samidoh was married to Edday Nderitu when he started dating the Senator.

"I support polygamy cause kuna wanaume wengine kama Samidoh who are too much for one woman, manzee mbona unataka kua na chali wa nguvu tu pekee yako? Hapana chali wengine ni wa kushariwa, Kubali tu," she said.

Further adding

"Sheria ya Kenya ya polygamy ambayo imepitishwa kwa bunge yetu inaruhusu polygamy, sijavunja sheria yoyote kukua katika situation mimi niko," she stated.

In the past Nyamu has faced backlash for allegedly stealing Samidoh from his wife.

Karen Nyamu met a married Samidoh when he was performing at a political event in late 2019.

She gave birth to Samidoh’s son in December 2020. S

She got pregnant for Samidoh again and gave birth to a baby girl on February 26, 2022.

Nyamu and Samidoh have had an on/off relationship that sometimes played out in the public. 

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