Pastor Ng'ang'a's followers buy pieces of paper from the preacher

In the video, Ng'ang'a takes plain papers and tears them into pieces.

Pastor James Nga'ng'a
Image: Radio Jambo

Neno Evangelism Centre preacher, Pastor Ng'ang'a has been seen in a viral video selling papers to his congregants.

In the video, Ng'ang'a takes plain papers and tears them into pieces. He then tells his followers that that is money and that they should buy it from him, when they reach home, they should write the day's date.

While his followers scrambled for the papers, an excited Ng'ang'a broke into laughter "Hizi ni pesa, hizi ni milioni moja....Hizi nauza....Ukifika nyumbani andika tarehe ya leo," he said

While the preacher kept laughing all through the video when he was selling the papers, his followers came forward with different amounts of cash to purchase Ng'ang'a torn pieces of paper.

Just recently, Ng'ang'a made headlines when he chased a sleeping woman away from the church.

"Where are you from? Wake up and take your stuff. Leave and stay outside, you will come later," he told her

He continued "Enda upigwe na baridi. Anyeshewe na mvua asikie baridi."

He then warned his congregants against sitting next to a sleeping person, "Nikikuta mtu amelala akiwa karibu na wewe nakutoa na yeye."

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