KPLC announces power interruptions in 7 counties Saturday


• The Power company said the interruptions will occur at various times of the day in different regions.

• Counties to be affected in the regions include Makueni, Machakos, West Pokot, Trans Nzoia, Migori, Kisii and Kiambu counties.

Kenya Power and Lighting offices
Image: FILE

Kenya Power has announced power outages in seven counties on Saturday.

The Power company said the interruptions will occur at various times of the day in different regions.

Counties to be affected in the regions include Makueni, Machakos, West Pokot, Trans Nzoia, Migori, Kisii and Kiambu counties.

Parts of Makueni County to have power interruptions include Kasuvi, Mulilii, Yimwaa, Kiangini, Kalii, Mbuvo, Kitise, Matheani, Kanzokeani, Kalawa, Katangi, Syotuvali, Kathonzweni Mkts, Kikumini, Ikaasu and Kanthuni from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.

Miondoni, Syokisinga, Katangi, Ikombe, Kenyatta, Seku University, Kyua and adjacent customers in Machakos will have power interruptions from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.

In West Pokot County, areas to have power interruptions from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm include Ortum, Cemtech, Sebit, Murpus, Sina, Chepkorniswo, Marich Pass, Sigor, Lomut and Sarmach Kainuk.

Parts of Trans Nzoia County to have power interruptions from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm include Kenya Seed, Lugonzo, Endebess Market, Kapkoi, Marinda, Chepsalei, Suam, Chepchoina, Kimondo, Kietkei, Molem, Matumbei, Kolongei and adjacent customers.

Part of Mariwa, Manyata, Aora Jobe, Rinya, Dede, Omware, Chamgiwadu, Kogenya, Maroo, Nyakuru and Ranen Mission in Migori County will have power interruptions from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm.

Parts of Kisii County to have power outages from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm include Nyamataro, Kiamwasi, Nyakoe Hotel, Nyakoe Market, Kioge Girls, Mosocho, Riotoigo, Matieko, Ongich Secondary School, Ruga Market, Nyakoe Quarry, Metembe Secondary and Youth Polytechnic, Metembe Village, Nyagemi Primary, Raganga, Obwari and Nyabururu Complex.

In Kiambu areas including Referral Hospital, Wataalam, Githunguri Ranch, Whole of Membley East, Gitambaya, Nyayo Hostel KU Kiwanja, Low Rates, Police, Jack Ridge, Githunguri Primary, Karuri Hospital and Market, Karuri Exchange and Banana.

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