'Hiyo ni opportunity sio wizi! Caller tells Maina about Sh94.9 heist

Piece by: ZENNA ISSA

•If you saw that amount of cash lying around, would you take it? And if you were these guys, what's the first thing you would do?

Maina Kageni and Mwalim King'ang'i

During the morning conversation at Classic 105, the dynamic duo had an interesting topic revolving around the two security officers who stole 94.9 million shillings.

The question of the day was: "If you saw that amount of cash lying around, would you take it? And if you were these guys, what's the first thing you would do?"

The morning conversation was inspired by the money heist that went down yesterday where two security employees fled with 94.9 million shillings they were to deliver to the bank.

Maina wanted to understand why everyone was taking the two money thieves as heroes and he asked listeners to explain to him why they think they are heroes and what they are.

"Ebu munieleze vizuri why are you not taking these people for what they are, these people are thieves, not heroes."

Callers did not disappoint and decided to give the duo the answers they wanted to hear, this is what some callers had to say.

The first caller said;

"Hiyo ni opportunity sio uwizi. Maina expalin to himkk that this is a an oportunity wamepata. Vile hizi ttrimes are tuogh ni vizuri mtu apate pesa in any way. Pahali Mwalimu anataka kuenda ni karibu sann amii nitaenda mbali sana nitaenda kujifichia Congo."

Another added;

"Are you aware that the Wells Fargo company to where the truck was is only 2 kilometres away? It was a perfect exsection. This should worry the government because there's high chaos, in people's minds this is government money that has been stolen, people have been pushed to the corner they just need a spark and things will be bad. And if the proposed raise in fuel on the 14th passes mafuta ikifika 300 itakuwa worse trust me."

The next said;

"Mimi ningekuwa hao polisi siezi wasliti ingekuwa ni mimi ningewambia wanipe ya macho. Nikipata hiyo pesa nitajifnaya mimi ni maksini kabisa nitakopa yote nionekana nimeishiwa kabisa alafu nianzishe miradi polepole watu wakishasahau. Ukianza kuitumia immediately utashikwa haraka na hiyo pesa itafaidi polisi tu heri nijifanye maskini nianzishe miradi miradi nikijifanya ni loan."

The last caller said;

"I am a law-abiding citizen and I condemn them may anyone who looks for them see cockroaches everywhere and may the DCI never catch them. If it was me ningenunua land ya 50 acres hapo  Uganda."

The morning conversation left Maina shocked as no one accepted the truth of the matter and everyone still saw them as a hero instead of a criminal.

Others decided to tweet their replies and this is what they had to say.

@SabulArap -Good morning Maina? I wish those guys nothing but the best......na wajipange polepole na watulie wabunguze kiherehere

@MargaretWa53357 -I applaud them may God hide them under the shadow of the almighty

@SimonGathege -That's how we Kenyans are, those who stole are a copy of our politicians. Vile tunashangilia our political thieves ndio tunashangilia our local thieves. It's a Kenyan thing

@LONEXBA -Maina si Everyone is looking for money #MainaAndKingangi I wish them well. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to them.

@Shazy74Too1 -I wish them well and am praying to God that wasishikwe at all cost , Mimi ni deals sijapata and again @Maina opportunity comes once in a lifetime, grab that chance and change your life

@Benjiemk -They are paid peanuts but entrusted with millions,, Good luck to them,,may they never be found

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