I don't like men- Elsa Majimbo in rare confession

• Majimbo pointed out several things she does not like including all types f people

Elsa Majimbo
Elsa Majimbo
Image: Instagram

I don't like men- Elsa Majimbo in rare confession 

Comedian Elsa Majimbo does not like people. The comedian said this in a recent tiktok video that has left fans with mixed reactions.

 Majimbo pointed out several things she does not like including all types of people. 

"I don't like white people, black people, Asian people, I generally just don't like people. My point is, I do not discriminate, as long as you breathe, I genuinely don't like people. I don't like being touched. I don't like being called unexpectedly, especially by unknown numbers, you are guaranteed that I will not be picking up."

She added that she doesn't see the point of leaving her house to go outside and interact.

"I don't like leaving my house, it's so comfortable here, I don't understand why we need to do things outside."

 She then revealed;

"I don't like men."

Check out fans' reactions;

Xtina6: I don't like when pipo call me😩😩😩if u don't pick up then they text💀😩😩😩ooh

Catherine: But you are always getting ready with those fire fits 🤣 where are you going?

Galactic counsel: This resonates with me so much, its wild.

Ari: As long as you breathe 🤣🤣 I felt this in my soul!

Black queen: for a moment I thought you were describing me lol

Maryamarjie: I feel this way sometimes. Like I just want my quite space without visitors

Sicola256: I feel so seen! Especially that last category

Aimee: 😹😹I also don’t like people but I just have to share this world with them

Omwitira: That's totally me. I can be in the bush comfortable as long as am alone

April: Never heard something so accurate in my life.

Jason Cummings:I never understand how people don’t like people but want people to support them , wud u prefer u alone in the world with no1 else.

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