Eric and Lynne shared intimate bits of their relationship while playing a questionnaire card game

She wears my torn underwear- Eric Omondi on most embarrassing thing Lynne does

• The couple opened up on details about their relationship and parenting while playing a questionnaire card game.

• Lynne started by emphasizing that they had no previous knowledge of the questions highlighting that they had been handed the question cards right after they sat down to shoot. 

Eric Omondi with his baby mama Lynne.
Image: Instagram

Digital content creator Lynne Njihia alongside her boyfriend comedian/philanthropist Eric Omondi are sharing intimate bits of their relationship with their fans online.

Sharing a video on Lynne's YouTube page, the couple opened up on unknown details about their relationship and parenting while playing a questionnaire card game.

Lynne started by emphasizing that they had no previous knowledge of the questions highlighting that they had been handed the question cards right after they sat down to shoot. The two didn't have similar questions which made the session much more lively.

The two got into it showcasing their cute lovey dovey side while also revealing some of their embarrassing and borderline cringe traits.

Eric started off by noting the meal that best describes his girlfriend is potatoes, he however didn't give reasons as to why he chose that specific meal.

Things took a funnier turn when Lynne asked her baby daddy to reveal the most embarrassing thing that she wears around the house and I promise you nothing could've prepared you for Eric's reply.

"Kale kangotha kangu ka black ulichukua... (that black underwear [boxer] of mine that you took)" started off the former Churchill Show comedian. He went on to detail why he'd chosen that specific clothing leaving us with more questions than answers.

"You know that underwear of mine that you repossessed? It has a hole on the backside or is it at the hip area..., yes it has a hole but it is there, when we go home go check," Eric added.

On the silliest thing the couple has ever argued about, Eric laughed it off saying the question was absurd as all their arguments as per him were silly. But recounting one he feels tops the list and ended up having a full-blown disagreement.

"You should have asked the opposite, like what is the most serious thing we have argued about. But sasa ile argument kabisaa I will say socks. Yes, socks. Now the thing is I put dirty socks on our kid's side. Socks chafu naweka side ya Kaya kumbe hufaa kuweka hapo, hii side ya mtoto.

Like Kaya's side is so clean, so mimi nikifika tu natoa socks but huwezi weka anything hapo, socks, viatu or anything," Eric revealed amidst laughter from him and his girlfriend. 

Touching on a meal she would never give a try Lynne highlighted that even if she was starving to death she would not eat omena. She added that they were bitter, looked weird and just weren't appealing.

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