Why I quit my job at Media Max- Joyce Gituro

• Joyce Gituro says she misses being on the Radio.

• She would however not want to be back full time.

Joyce Gituro
Image: Instagram

Former Radio Citizen TV host Joyce Gituro has for the first time explained why she resigned from Media Max.

She says the environment was not helping her achieve her goals.

In an interview with Jeff Kuria, she shared

She hosted a show alongside Jerida Andayi.

" I worked for Citizen from 2004 to 2011.

In 2011 I was promoted, I would only be doing one show on a Sunday.

I did not want to do the show because I was not saved.

I couldn't imagine waking up to preach, but looking at it now I thank God for it as it made me know God more."

Gituro added

"In 2018 I saw an opportunity to grow, I was to run six stations at Media Max.

I was to be the brand manager. It was not bad but the environment did not allow me to work. I resigned after a year and one month. I resigned despite being a single mother."

Joyce says not long after she resigned, she got Covid-19

"I also looked at my investments and figured that I could educate my kids. I could survive the first five years after resigning.

In 2020 Covid-19 came. I also opened up a communications company.

I miss being on air, It's my passion. But I would never want to go back to Radio full time."

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