The never seen gifts Bahati claims to have gifted Dian Marua

Piece by: ZENNA ISSA

• Bahati's gifts to Diana have been questionable at best. It's time to address this issue and put an end to it once and for all.

Bahati and Diana Marua
Image: Instagram

The Bahatis are known for their lavish lifestyles and Bahati's endless gifts to his darling wife Diana Marua.

Every year the couple goes bigger to celebrate the number of times they have been married. This year Bahati gifted his wife seven amazing gifts to celebrate their 7th anniversary.

The couple is known to brag about the gifts that they have each received and gifted the other.

The couple has been on endless media interviews justifying that the gifts they gift each other are real but the question remains where are they?

We are told by our Swahili old men " Peanenei zawadi mtapendana" The Bahatis decided to take the saying seriously and any moment they get they go all out in gifting each other.

The couple knows how to take an opportunity and remain trending and this time they didn't disappoint.

For the first time in the history of gifting, Bahati gifted his darling baby mama a billboard to show his love for her to the world. He innocently termed this as one of the gifts in his seven grand anniversary gifts.

We aren't against the couple but honestly speaking this is the first gift that we have actually seen and have proof of its existence.

Every year Bahati is seen gifting Diana Marua expensive cars and this year he did the same thing when he gifted her a Range Rover.

This isn't a surprise to most fans who follow their lifestyle cause they know this would happen, Diana would brag all about the cars she owns and then later see her in her usual "Vitz" car.

If we are counting correctly, Bahati should have a total of 4 cars but we only see her with her usual Vitz or sometimes Mercedes Benz with no traces of her previously gifted cars.

Other than the never-seen cars, the couple also allegedly own pieces of land in Naivasha and Mombasa which we have never seen only heard of.

The pieces of land were bought to be a retirement and vocational home respectively.

If those gifts miraculously turn out to be real and not a form of clout, then we will wait.

“Bahati have you ever faked life, to look rich? Kido asked.

“I think what has worked for me is being real, we things are not okay I say…so if things are not okay I will say. So that is it you don’t inspire people by only showing your good side,” said in part.

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