Chito: I got saved after a heartbreak

•While speaking to his co-host Kwambox on The Morning Kiss, Ndhlovu said his heart had been shuttered

Kwambox and Chito
Chito and Kwambox Kwambox and Chito
Image: Kiss FM

Kiss FM presenter Chito Ndhlovu has revealed that he became saved after a heartbreak.

While speaking to his co-host Kwambox on The Morning Kiss, Ndhlovu said his heart had been shattered.

"When my heart was shattered, I didn't hate babes, I did the opposite, I loved alot of babes. It was revenge mission," he told Kwambox

Kwambox added

"You meet somebody and wanakutolea hasira za their previous relationship, you get into the relationship and they start to suspect you."

Chito then revealed

"There's one who broke my heart and I got saved. I was like, if this is how it is without God, I need to go to Him because He knows these women's hearts."

He added

"I know somebody who vowed to never date someone from Kileleshwa, they dated two people from Kileleshwa and both of them showed them dust. She told me she starts with location, even if you grew anywhere close to Kileleshwa."

"Imagine you are scooping half the city out because of one human," Kwambox said


"So there's a guy who went and hide himself somewhere because for 55 years, he said no women. He is 77 and he's been hiding. He is starving himself from women, how has heartbreak changed you? There are people who have been stolen from."

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