Kenyans weigh on disrespectful things their partners have done to their parents


• What are some of the disrespectful ways your bae has done to your folks that could cause you to break up.

Kwambox and Chito
Chito and Kwambox Kwambox and Chito
Image: Kiss FM

Today's topic on Morning Kiss was based on some of the disrespectful ways partners have disrespected parents of people they were dating.

To widen this out the fantastic duo  Chito Ndhlovu and Sheila Kwambox asked their listeners to  share their experiences.

Further questioning what disrespectful act was the deal breaker in their relationship.

Chito, in contribution to the topic of the day, said that a partner cannot wake up just one day and decide to choose to disrespect your parents (which I agree with). Y

our parents must have done something that pushed your spouse to a limit for them to do what they did.

People are not easy with today's topic, no one is tolerating anything that sounds disrespectful. The same goes for me but if I see that my parent doing something that might push my spouse to do something crazy then they shouldn't breathe the same air.

Here are some of the listener's comments;

Caller: By speaking rudely to my parents. There is a way someone can talk and it seems just rude even to me.

Caller: My partner once disrespected my father. From what I saw my father was wrong and I guess he noticed it but never apologized though they talked it out as a father and son.

Brayo Ule Mmoja: Telling me to cook while she is seated what brought her if not cooking?

Brian Kemoi: Constantly interrupting or not allowing someone to speak can be seen as disrespectful and inconsiderate.


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