Woman in a dilemma after her family disapproves her marriage


• She is a single mum who has been raising up her child alone without receiving any help from the family.

Chito Ndlovu
Image: Courtesy

Maggie is in a dilemma after her family disapproves of her marriage.

Maggie, a Kiss FM listener confessed that her parents disapproved of her marriage to the extent that they are willing to provide her with capital for her to start a business.

She told the Morning Kiss hosts, Chito and Kwambox that she went to her family and told them that she wanted to get married and they said no.

" I went to my parents and told them that I want to get married to my fiancé and they said no, they told me that they would give me capital to start a business on one condition that I have to leave him."

This is not what is causing the dilemma, the problem comes in from her first relationship with her parents. Maggie is a single mum and she says that her parents were not supportive when she was pregnant even after she gave birth.

" They have not been there for me when I got pregnant with my child ata after nimezaa I was raising the child alone."

She has been doing it alone all the time and that's why she is confused because she is not in a bad place financially but still she would like to start a business. She on the other hand loves her partner so much that she wants to get married.

Her story is what takes us to the topic of the day on Morning Kiss. Chito urges the Kiss FM listeners to advise Maggie.

"How do you think we could help our dear Maggie?"

The Morning Kiss fans got something to say, here are some of their thoughts;

Caller: Marriage doesn't last long, she should just take the capital that she is being offered and start a business. Men come and go. 

Caller: Marriage works, She should go and get married. I was in the same situation and it worked.

@MShariff: Good morning. Maggie should listen to her parents. She needs to understand this "love" thing doesn't last forever. At the end of everything, love doesn't put food on the table. Parents can see the outcome of some relationships. Blood is thicker...

@Jesseabisheck: Family with my love affair they are out of it. I advise her to love her love and leave alone with family matters. They will be blessed and open a business of their choice with the guy if they make it.

@mc_tonje: Good morning kiss. Si lazima by the way, awachane na huyo fiance apewe capital ya kufanya biashara. Kissing in from diaspora America.

Brian Kemoi: Her happiness and well-being should be the top priority. She should make the decision that aligns with her values and long-term goals, whether it's pursuing the business opportunity or getting married.

Glory Elizabeth: Morning, I think if she's below 21, let her opt for biz, 22 kupanda do as you wish but make choices you can live with the consequences.

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