Jux admits he was hurt after Vanessa Mdee relationship with Rotimi

•Before the pandemic, Vanessa Mdee moved to the US and started her relationship with Nigerian-American-based musician and actor Rotimi

Juma Jux
Juma Jux
Image: Instagram

When Tanzanian singer Juma Jux and Vanessa Mdee were in a relationship, they were one of the most talked about couple in East Africa.

After their break up, every one moved on and Vanessa Mdee moved to the US and started her relationship with Nigerian-American-based musician and actor Rotimi.

Years later, Rotimi and Mdee are engaged and blessed with two kids.

But Juma Jux is now recalling how hurt he was when he heard of the news that Mdee had moved on with Rotimi after their break up.

In a recent show, Jux told his fans in Arusha.

"Niliumia, sio mchezo niliumia kweli." (I was hurt, I was really hurt for sure) 

In 2020 Vanessa shocked fans after announcing her decision to quit music. She announced this in her podcast “Deep Dive with Vanessa Mdee“,

“I don’t know who needs to hear this but my mission is to be a light. I know that I will probably disappoint a few people and that’s okay, I know that my fans don’t wanna hear this but guess what I am never gonna be too far away from you, trust me. The reason why I had to leave the industry is because I needed to choose my life, the music industry is demonic. People will tell you half-truths about what goes on, and the truth is I just wanna be an advocate for honesty and beauty and a sincere advocate for what facing your demons can do for you." she said at the time

“Now my fans are probably asking themselves right now; Are you gonna never sing again? Are we gonna never see you perform? Let me reiterate, I love music, I love to create, I love to perform, I’m a vessel, this is what I was brought on earth to be, but maybe I was a vessel to be here in this moment to have gone through everything that I have gone through so that I can tell you most honestly the truth about things you will never hear somewhere else,” said Mdee.

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