Jada Smith calls Tupac Shakur soulmate, fans react


• The two were friends since the early 80s , dated for a while before Tupac sadly died.

• Jada Pinkett Smith calls Tupac Shakur her ‘soulmate’ — but says the pair had zero chemistry

Jada Smith and late Tupac

Actor Will Smith's wife Jada Pinkett Smith has been blasted after she said that she believed that the late rapper Tupac Shakur, was her soulmate.

Speaking with Rolling Outs (an American media/news company) as posted by Christal Jordan on their Instagram page she discussed her whole relationship with the late rapper.

She admitted that they were soulmates and further clarified that soulmates don't have to be romantically attached for them to be called one.

She said: "Absolutely, we have so many... our children can be our soulmates... I think the kind of romanticized idea of a soulmate... there are all kinds of definitions of soulmates,".

She even continues to give out more juice on how she believes that they have even traveled together in their past lives.

“If there is such a thing as past lives, I definitely think Pac and I have traveled a few together, you know in various forms," she stated.

The mother of two continues to explain more of their relationship saying that it was God's plan that they couldn't take their relationship further for they were just meant to be a dynamic duo with just friendship- love.

"You know the chemistry between childhood best friends was mutual and solely just like friendship-love chemistry not romantic," She explains.

"It was almost like God made us that way. He was like 'Look, we'll put y'all together, alright? Y'all gonna be a dynamic duo, but I'm gonna tell you right now, I'm gonna make it so you're not going to be able to get together.' She continued.

The Artist who has been married to Will Smith for 26 years expresses that it just wasn't possible for her to take her relationship with Tupac to the next level.

The Author doesn't stop there she continues to drop more bombshells she says that Tupac proposed to her while he was still locked up in jail.

She says that the only reason he did so was that he needed someone to spend time with while he was there.

Jada stops spilling and says that if anyone wants more of their relationship, they can go to the book that she is about to release.

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