Celebs who have spoken poignantly about the Israel-Palestine conflict


• It is so saddening what is currently happening between Palestine and Hamas. The conflict has led to many deaths and loss of property. 

Israel city on alert after more Hamas crossings from Gaza reported
Image: courtesy

Some celebrities have expressed their feelings about the Palestine-Hamas conflict. Some have passed on their condolences, while some have sent help.

It is so saddening what is currently happening between Palestine and Hamas. The conflict has led to many deaths and loss of property. 

Here are some of the reactions from a few celebrities.

1. Dwyanne Johnson aka The Rock 

The Rock shared a post on his Instagram post expressing how disheartened he is after what is happening in Palestine-Israeli, Hamas conflict.

He says that he is angry and heartbroken by what is actually going on and doesn't support terrorism he actually condemns it.

In his post he wrote;

"I'm heartbroken, angry, and sickened by the brutal murders and kidnapping of Jewish people through the horrific acts of the Hamas terrorist group. The growing loss of innocent Israeli and Palestinian lives is heart-wrenching as this war escalates to immerse proportions.

I don't pretend to know everything about the complex conflict in the Middle East. It commands deep understanding, context, and nuance what I do know is hateful acts of terrorism like this are never justified.

I condemn and denounce terrorism, and in this devastating moment, my heart goes out to all the innocent victims and families grieving for their lost loved ones.

I pray for compassion and resolve. I pray for all innocent lives."

Dwynne Johnston aka The Rock
Image: Instagram The rock

2. Justin Bieber

Justin states that he is not interested in choosing sides in the conflict, but he chooses to stand with the families that are affected.

Sharing in his Instagram stories he states;

          "Truly hurting for both my Israeli and Palestinian friends. I'm pretty sure we all instinctively know evil when we see it. To valianize all Palestinians or all Israeli people to me seems wrong. I'm not interested in choosing sides but am interested in standing with the families who have been brutally taken from us."

Justin Biebre
Image: Instagram Justin

3. Gigi Hadid

In a post shared on Instagram, she shared.;

"My thoughts are with all those affected by this unjustifiable tragedy, and every day that innocent lives are taken by this conflict too many of which are children. I have deep empathy and heartbreak for the Palestinian struggle and life under occupation, it is a responsibility I hold daily.

I also feel responsible to my Jewish friends to make it clear as I have before: while I have hopes and dreams for Palestinians none of them include the harm to Jewish people."

Gigi Hadid
Image: Istagram Gigi Hadid

4. Floyd Mayweather.

Floyd stated where he stands and even sent a private jet with food to the affected families. In a picture of him in Jerusalem, Israel he wrote the caption;

"I stand with Israel against the Hamas terrorists. Hamas does not represent the people of Palestine but is a terrorist group that is attacking innocent lives! I stand for all humans and wish for the safe return of all Americans and Israelis and any humans who were kidnapped as hostages during these horrific war crimes. This is not a time for politics. This is a time for safety first and foremost. God Bless America. God Bless Israel. God Bless humankind!"

He continues in another post;

"I stand with Israel and Jews all around the world. I condemn antisemitism at all costs. I stand for Peace. I stand for Human Rights! Terrorism Is Never The Answer!"

Flyod Mayweather
Image: Instagram Flyod

5. Mohammed Ali

This is what Mohammed Ali shared in his Instagram page;

"Kenyan Leaders and the Kenyan Public who are fully informed with the history and developments of the Israel-Palestine conflict Stand with Palestine and We Do Not Sympathize with Colonizers. I pray for my Palestinian brothers and sisters to be granted the resilience, patience, and strength to free themselves from the hand of the oppressors."

Mohammed Ali
Image: Instagram Mohammed Ali

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