Karen Nyamu says relationship backed in law

NTV's pointed question about Samidoh upsets Karen Nyamu

• The mom of three also defended her relationship to the Mugithi singer.

Karen Nyamu
Image: Instagram

Nominated Senator Karen Nyamu defended her relationship with Samidoh citing it as a situation backed by law.

She was on NTV Kenya Live in the Kigoda Chako segment where the TV presenter asked her about being a second wife.

"Kuliendaje ukamchukuwa mzee ambao hakua wako? Wanasema wewe ni mrembo kweli kweli eh,,Wanaume walienda wapi."

Nyamu did not take kindly to this question

"Ünajua sheria vizuri? Unazijua sheria? Enda uangalie sheria ambayo eh...ya polygamy. Ambayo imepitishwa kwa hii bunge yetu.

Kwa hivyo hizo maswali ambazo unaniuliza naona kama hazina nguvu mkono wala mguu kwasababu sijavunja sheria yeyote kukuwa katika situation mimi niko."

She told the presenter that children deserve to have a present dad

"Pale kuna watoto sidhani hizo maswali munaniuliza kama ndio ilinileta hapa. Sidhani."

The interviewer told her that it impacts her leadership,

"Lakini ni maswala ya uongozi. Watu wakikuona kama? Karen Nyamu ambaye ameteuliwa na serikali ya Kenya Kwanza uko uongozoni. Wakikuona kama kiongozi..."

Karen interrupted him saying it had nothing to do with politics,

"Nafuata sheria. Sheria ya polygamy. Naifuata kabisa kwasababu sheria hazijatengenezewa nyani ama nani, zimetengenezewa sisi na ndio nazifuata hizo sheria."

the mother of three defended herself from accusations.

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