Actress Minne Kariuki now threatening to sue Michelle Ntalami


• "Unconditionally and publicly retract your previous statements and refrain from any further attempts to tarnish our client's reputation," the letter adds.

Minne Kariuki Njuguna
Image: Instagram

Actress Minne Kariuki has retaliated against Michelle Ntalami, CEO of Marini Products, in response to a slander case.

The actress claimed that she had not yet received a copy of the court documents in the aforementioned complaint against her in a cease-and-desist letter issued to Ntalami and dated October 5, 2023.

By way of Mwenda Njagi & Co Advocates, Kariuki has given Ntalami three days to stop posting any more false statements on social media or on any other medium.

"Unconditionally and publicly retract your previous statements and refrain from any further attempts to tarnish our client's reputation," the letter adds.

The attorney stated that they will seek Sh3 million in damages for allegedly defaming Kariuki once Ntalami complies with the requests.

The businessman is also accountable for properly serving Kariuki with all court papers as specified by the relevant laws and rules.

"Take notice that unless our client's demands are met within three days we are under firm instructions to take legal action against you including instituting a suit for damages at your own peril as to costs and other consequences thereof," the letter adds. 

The alleged defamation was claimed in a lawsuit dated September 25 that named Kariuki, Young Rich Television, M-Net, and D&R Studios as defendants.

According to reports, the reputational harm occurred both during and after the filming of "The Real Housewives of Nairobi."

Ntalami was criticised by Kariuki for making public statements that appeared to be the start of a lawsuit when neither she nor the actress had received the required notification or legal paperwork.

Kariuki claimed that this amounted to defamation and inaccurate reporting, which had a negative impact on her career and employment prospects.

She threatened Ntalami with legal repercussions and added that her name wouldn't be ruined to appease "clout-chasing".

In the letter, Kariuki asserted that Ntalami brought the lawsuit after finding out that she wouldn't be appearing in Season 2 of the programme.

In addition, she asserted that, in contrast to Ntalami's claims, the businesswoman was aware of the filming at Tribe Hotel before it began.

"That without delving into the merits of your claim which is absurd, our client maintains that you attended the inaugural event at Windsor Golf Club wherein you gave a speech and voluntarily had a chopper ride from Karen to The Tribe Hotel - Village Market where the filming occurred in full glare of cameras," the letter reads.

Ntalami claimed in her lawsuit that the actress had published and spoken maliciously about her, attacking her identity, character, excellent reputation, career, and personal and professional brands.

She claimed that the disparaging comments seriously damaged her company, personal, and credit because of them.

Various dates between February 23 and March 2, 2023, were used for this.

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