On the Morning Kiss with Chito and Kwambox, the pair highlighted their high school crushes with many people giving their own experiences.
One particular man says that his first crush was his English and Drama teacher,
"The students seemed to have gotten the memo and they started harassing me. I was kicked out of the drama club because I only joined because of her. However, I still attended the club's events and festivals even though I wasn't a member," he says.
"She even pretended I was her cousin and let me visit her house. She also allowed me to leave school without a permit. We still talk as friends today but don't have an intimate relationship." he ends.
First crushes mostly determine your taste in the future. We all have that certain feeling and a person in mind when we hear the first crush.
Kwambox says that her first crush was traumatizing and she remembers it every time. Here are some of the amazing confessions from Kiss FM listeners.
Caller: I got my first crush when I was in class 8 and now we are besties. We tried and I cheated and that's how we remained as friends.
Caller: My first crush was in high school and when we finished she went to Masinde Muliro and she got pregnant with another guy I think she didn't want me because I wasn't lucky enough to get into university.
Caller: I had this crush that I used to take snacks to her every day then my sister found out and warned me. That's how it ended.
Reuben Mbughua@RMbughua: My first crush was my baby class teacher girl. Aki we used to exchange and share cakes, and milk.
Marto Duke@martoduke:Her name was Noor H... back then in 2003 Weuh! Mtoto wa Coasto Kilifi to be specific. I can't forget pahali walikuwa wainaishi. Weuh!
Walter Aquinas: Oky waaah mmh this made me to just feel more comfortable because my first crush I still have her and mummy really loves her wooh
Brian Kemoi: Sheila Kwamboka & Chito NdhlovuMy first crush was my deski and i recall collecting items associated with the her, like saving every note they passed and things they touched, such as a pencil. Hio Mapenzi ilikua imechacha we later met after in campus ikabidii nisample hio mali.
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