Jose Chameleone denies fathering child with another woman

• He took to social media, to warn people who were peddling lies

Jose Chameleone
Jose Chameleone

Jose Chameleone has shut down rumours that he is the father of a seven-year-old daughter. He shut down the claims that he sired the child and with danish-based Ugandan journalist, Eunice Brenda Ryabureire. 

He took to social media, to warn people who were peddling lies.


He added that the lady he was pictured with has a husband who is the father of that child.

"This lady is married with a husband and that’s their Daughter – NOT mine. I didn’t comment before in respect of the beautiful little girl involved. That lady and her husband are my close friends and that’s their daughter.

I feel so bad for that little girl involved. Such an innocent soul."

Recently, the singer's wife Daniella Atim who is based in the US revealed that she went through financial struggles when she had just relocated.

She said this while wishing her first born son a happy birthday.

Dear son,one day you and I will sit under a bonfire and talk about it all. 

We shall talk about your cold dingy basement room that flooded every spring ,we shall talk about how I went to ‘kyeyo’ for several days without return and left you in charge of your siblings plus an infant.

We shall talk about how I so badly wanted you and your siblings to be able to drink milk everyday,we shall talk about how I took up 2 full time jobs because I wanted you all to go to good schools .we shall talk about that twin bunk bed that all 6 of us had to fit in .

When all of that is done ,we shall sit and laugh at it all ,we shall laugh at how God has kept us through the hardships ,we will testify about the goodness of God,we shall tell of how God kept elevating us ,we shall tell of how he brought total strangers that helped us along the way."

Atim went on to add "You see,my boy ,God has his beautiful ways.We may not have it all figured out now but hey ,hasn’t God been so good ?"

While we wait for that time ,while we wait for the dollars to flow in so that I can send you all on that vacation l have promised for years ,while we wait for the good life you always promise me .

My boy ,while we wait ,I will stay committed to being your mother ,I will stay committed to the pact I made with God at your birth,to raise you to be a Man Of God.

Like your name Abba,may you be the man people will always encounter and experience God

Like your name Abba,may you turn out to be a great father and husband .May God keep proving his faithfulness to you.

Dear son ,things do get better,let’s keep walking,it’s just a matter of time.Love,Mom"

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