Tugege is aKikuyu word to describe someone who is not smart

NCIC comes clean about banning the word 'tugege'

• Tugege is a Kikuyu word used to describe gullible and not-so-smart people.

Jail Cell

A rumor began by blogger Cyprian Nyakundi that the National Cohesion and Integration Commission has banned the use of the Kikuyu word Tugege trended earlier today.

Tugege is a Kikuyu word used to describe gullible and not-so-smart people.

The term has been on the lips of many Kenyans when discussing politics and the supposed role the Kikuyu had in the Kenya Kwanza Government winning the election.

Cyprian on his Twitter account ranted,

"NCIC is alleged to be planning to ban the use of the term tugege after complaints from some leaders. Tode who use it will likely face arrest or prosecution."

NCIC was tagged by many concerned Kenyans demanding answers. Through their own Twitter account, NCIC shared a screenshot of Nyakundi's tweet, denying his claim.

"We wish to correct the information being peddled through social media to the effect that the NCIC is planning to ban the term "Tugege". The Commission disassociates itself from these allegations. Kindly ignore them."

See below for reference.

NCIC is a statutory body established under an Act of Parliament No. 12 of 2008. In 2020, NCIC released a list of words it banned that was ahead of the General Elections. The chairperson Samuel Kobia explained,

“We have classified these terms as coded messages that can be used to activate hatred and consciously eliminate other communities. These terms are in various languages; English, Kiswahili, Sheng, Kikuyu, Kalenjin, and non-verbal nods."

There were 14 Kiswahili words, 2 Kikuyu words, 2 Kalenjin words, and a couple of English phrases put on a watch list.

"We monitored Facebook, Twitter, YouTube among other social media platforms. The highest number that we identified to be spreading hate/incitement was on Facebook followed by Twitter. In addition, we also received emails from the general public reporting complaints,"Kobia stated.

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