Kenyans share their 'Mchele' experiences with Mike and Mwalimu King'ang'i

Piece by: ZENNA ISSA

•Have you survived a “Mchele attack” and what was your experience? Read more to know some of the ways Kenyans have been tricked into using the drug.

Drink spiked in a club

 Today's morning show at Classic 105 was based on Kenyans sharing their experience with 'Mchele' babes.

Mchele babes are ladies who spike drinks in clubs and rob the club patrons.

The morning show was inspired by a statement by a nominated senator who wants investigations to be done on the number of people being drugged by their so-called lovers at places of entertainment

 Mike Mondo urged his listeners to explain to him what was happening when they got drugged and how it happened.

He didn't understand how a fully grown man could get drugged.

"What is going on, mbona unaekewa mchele, a fully-grown man unakubali aje mchele kwa drink yako?"

Mwalimu King'ang'i made fun of the situation and told listeners to carry avocados when they go to the club.

"At this rate watu wanfaa kuwa wanaenda na avocado kwa club juu ya the amount of mchele munaekewa."

Some of the listeners were eager to share their experiences and were quick to build on the topic. Below are some of the responses they gave.

A caller said:

"Mike you don’t know Nairobi unaona mtoto akiwekewa mchele kuuna siku niliekewa mchele nilikuwa marathon runner niliacha alcohol kabisa, ukiingia club uone mapacha imeshine unaamuaa kumuita munajinice, ukiturn unangoja achore saba anakuekea kwa drink."

Another added;

"Hiyo ina inafaa ibadilishwa from mchele, hiyo sio chakula… King’an’i acha kusema tubebe avocado hiyo kitu ni serious,watu wanaekewa mchele unapata wameacha kila kitu yao hapo."

One more caller added;

"Mike achana na mchele unaletewaga hadi ndegu, Mike these things are real, kwanza unapta mtu ako friendly hadi anakunuunulia drink moja au mbili anakuingisha box, niliekewanikiwa bachelor, pesa ilikuwa  kwa mpesa around 27,000 ilienda, tukaenda kwa nyumba niliamka the next day around saa saba nikiangalia hakuna tv, DVD, microwave yaani electronics zote zilienda."

 Another added;

"Wanafaa kuibadilisha wasiite mchele tena hiyo jina haifai hii kitu ni afadhali museme ni tembe kwa sabbau wanaeka kwa kinywaji, hawa watu wanajua vile wanaeza kukuteka ata bila wewe kutaka utajipata umeingia kwa mtego yao, Mike hakuna vile utakunywa kwa bar pekee yako lazma ukuwe na mrembo hapo kando ndio mupige story na uenjoy view."

The last caller said;

"Ata madem wanapitia hiyo, for me nilikuwa nafanya kwa wine, dem akaingia na chali yake  nilijipata nimepeana mzinga ya 10k na pesa yote, vile walipanda gari ndio naanza kushtuka vitu zimeenda. nikajaribu kuwafikia lakni walikuwa washaenda"

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