Ati, I was too pregnant!' Janet Mbugua recounts horrible TV shaming

• The former Citizen TV presenter was pregnant with her first child in 2015

Janet Mbugua
Image: Instagram

Celebrity Janet Mbugua has opened up about how she experienced a lot of fat shaming when she was pregnant back in 2015.

Fortunately, she was able to overcome it, according to the former Citizen TV anchor.

"In 2015 when I was a News Anchor on Citizen TV, and pregnant with my firstborn, Huru, I was attacked online, with a lot of vitriol towards me for being ‘too pregnant’ 🤷🏾‍♀️ Yes, too pregnant. Make it make sense!" she wrote.

Mbugua added;

"A lot of the comments were asking for me to come back on the news after my Maternity Leave. I pushed back, and had an amazing team and great bosses who backed me, but it was one example among many, of online sexism, that millions of people, but especially girls and women, continue to face. Tomorrow, I’ll join @intgenderchamps and lend my voice to speak about the rising cases of online violence that affect so many people."

Huru and Mali are her two sons. Mbugua also shared her story last year at a speech at "Witness Documentary" where she said,

"Every day, it was hateful, spiteful messages saying you are too pregnant to be on TV or we can't stand looking at you while you are reading the news like that. I think it had happened before me, just that I was on a widely watched TV in the region."

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