Eli and Litiema have returned to work for Jalango

'There's always money in his car!' Jalang'o's former employee reveals

• The Lang'ata MP extended an olive branch to them.

Former Kiss FM presenter Jalang'o has extended an olive branch to two of his former employees who allegedly stole from him.

The Langata MP in a video on his YouTube welcomed Eli and Litiema back to work, assuring them that all has been forgiven.

Jalango asked Eli for the truth surrounding the theft, "Tell me honestly, what really happened?"

Eli said how they saw money in Jalang'o's BMW, "It was 2022 June on a Saturday. I was cleaning with ndugu, akaskia harufu ya pesa pale."

"Wapi?" Jalango demanded to know, "Hamjawahi niambia."

Eli tells Jalango, "Kwa BMW. Aliskia harufu sasa nikasema hiyo ni pesa ya mdosi, na kawaida tunapatanga mingi kuliko hiyo, wacha tufanye mambo yetu. Tufanye usafi kawaida, jioni tutaenda nyumbani. Si mdosi anatulindanga vizuri amekupiga kaunga, yoyote akonayo," Eli convinced Litiema.

After this, Eli left to go to the back of the house and upon returning to wash another car, he found 

"Unajua gari ni mingi iko hapa boss, mimi nilikuwa naosha Discovery, yeye BMW. BMW ndio ilikuwa na pesa. Kutoka huko nyuma nikapta gate iko open pale, nikashindwa ah ameenda wapi."

Comedian Jalang'o with the two workers who stole from him
Image: courtesy

He searched for him for a while, "Nikiwa hali ya kumtafuta, nikaona tayari naambiwa tumepostiwa hewani,"

A fearful Eli took off as well on foot. They later took a vehicle without number plates to travel to the village. "Ilibidi nijifiche, sababu wananchi wanaweza chukuwa mkononi. Wanaweza kukuota uhai," he shared.

Jalang'o asked Eli who took the money from his car. "It's Morris who took the money."

The MP told Eli that they launched a manhunt even to the village, but the two could not be traced. "Sisi kuwafuata nyumbani tumepata mumehamisha vitu, what was going on?"

Eli told Jalang'o that it appeared that way because he found his wife had deserted their matrimonial home. Eli and Litiema consulted each other about the theft and what to do next.

"Umechukuwa hii mali, tufanye aje? Ndio akasema tugawanye nus nusu. He told me he had found sh1million. Note mpay akabisa, haikuwa imetumika pahali."

Eli expressed regret for stealing, a habit he claimed he doesn't have. Jalang'o wanted to know what their next plan was after dividing the money.

Eli said they were scared, fearing arrest. he went to Bungoma where he became a fugitive. "Tulikuwa tunajutia tufanye aje, juu saa hii picha tayari iko hewani, huwezi tembea."

They took a private vehicle without plates to escape Kenya. "Kuna hutu numberless Mombasa mpaka Uganda. Hutu tunumberless, mtu amenunua gari, anatuma driver."

They paid off people to escape through different routes. "Kujificha sio mchezo."

Eli and Litiema then split ways.

Eli says he has learnt a lesson not to be greedy, "Nikaona heri nitafute ile kidogo kidogo, tusiende mbio sana, ipo siku tuu," he recounted, adding how he would call Jalango often to apologize.

He thanked the politician for forgiving them, saying he won't repeat the offense. "Saa hii nimerudi, hakuna wasi wasi na mimi, usikuwe na wasi wasi, pesa unawacha tuu kwa gari."

Watch the interview below;

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