Jalang'o, Senator Chesang threaten legal action for defamation


• In demand letters dispatched by Cliff Oduk Advocates, the lawmakers have demanded a retraction of the defamatory publications linking them to a crime they have denied involvement and demanded unspecified amounts of cash in damages.

• Nyakundi is accused of making false and malicious accusations against the legislators in a tweet on Tuesday, September 12, on the X platform, formerly Twitter.

Senator Allan Chesang and MP Jalang'o

Lang'ata MP Phelix Odiwuor and Trans Nzoia Senator Allan Chesang have threatened legal action against blogger Cyprian Nyakundi and a local publication for libel.

In demand letters dispatched by Cliff Oduk Advocates, the lawmakers have demanded a retraction of the defamatory publications linking them to a crime they have denied involvement and demanded unspecified amounts of cash in damages.

Nyakundi is accused of making false and malicious accusations against the legislators in a tweet on Tuesday, September 12, on the X platform, formerly Twitter.

His tweet was in reference to a newspaper story that carried the libellous article that linked the MPs to the impugned allegations published on Monday, September 11.

The paper has been held to account for "gross and blatant misrepresentations of facts and deliberate mischaracterisation" of the lawmakers' conduct.  

"The aforementioned post not only lacks factual basis but also serves to tarnish our client's name and professional standing in the community. The foregoing goes to demonstrate that you intended to form a negative and undesirable opinion about our client and to our client's detriment," the demand letter to Nyakundi reads in part.

The MPs directed the blogger to cease making any further publications of that nature, apologise and "compensate our clients for the damage to their reputation".

The paper was on its part asked to among other things, retract the defamatory statement, publish a correction and clarification, cease from further publications of that nature, acknowledge the false nature of the allegations and offer an apology.

The MPs have also demanded that Nyakundi and the paper foot the costs of the suit.

"Take notice that if the foregoing demands are not met by yourself on the date of receipt of this letter, our mandatory instructions are to pursue civil proceedings against both the newspaper and the individuals responsible for this defamatory statement," says the demand letter.

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