Jalang'o on why he withdrew decision to sue local media house

• He says he was advised against suing.

Langata MP Jalango
Image: Instagram

Lang'ata Member of Parliament Jalang'o has withdrawn his decision to sue a local media house. This was after they ran an article alleging he and others were involved in a Sh 1 billion fake gold scam scandal.

In an interview with Mungai Eve, Jalang'o says he has been advised against the decision to sue.

"I was planning to sue (Citizen Weekly) after they claimed am part of a Sh1 Billion fake gold scam, but then I was advised not to, since that's how they thrive, in chaos to sell their paper.

Some were calling me to help, 'kusafisha jina, mimi sina jina chafu.' Anyway, jina mzuri pia ni Maiti."

He had earlier threatened to sue for defamation;

"Rogue media must be dealt with! After the steps, I want to take against Citizen Weekly. I don't think they will ever sit down and write a defamatory story on anyone again then call to extort you in the name of we will clean your name! I’ll not fall for that nonsense! Good day!"

Fans have asked him to tighten his belt as he is in the limelight and worse things are bound to be said about him.

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