Pastor Ezekiel to men: Avoid women called Diana

• The preacher asked men to avoid marrying women called Diana and cautioned parents against naming their daughter that way

Pastor Ezekiel
Image: Courtesy

Pastor Ezekiel Odero of New Life Christian Church has surfaced with another controversial statement, this time, concerning women named Diana.

The preacher said men should avoid marrying women with the name Diana because they will not allow them to lead.

"Ushawai kuona Diana yeyote kwa ndoa? Hakuna hata mmoja.Ukioa Diana ushi na yeye, yeye ndiye anakucontrol kama robot. Utaishi na Diana, she becomes the husband. Lakini wewe ndio uwe mume, Diana anaenda, hapo nimeongea ukweli."

He went on to caution parents from naming  their daughters Diana.

"Usimpe mtoto wako jina Diana. Sababu akiolewa, utashare na watu. Diana napendwa bila sababu hata kama hajui. Because the name carried the spirit."

Just recently, the preacher went after Tanzanian singer Diamond Platnumz alleging that 'hana roho ya kuoa' and that he always impregnates women and leaves them before marrying them.

"Kuna mwimbaji wa bongo," he started.

He added that Diamond impregnates women and leaves them without marrying them "Anachukua msichana, anampa mimba, anaacha. Na akipenda msichana, huyo msichana ppia hashtuki. Akapenda mwingine hapa Kenya pia yeye akapachikwa mimba, akaachwa. Lakini roho ya kuoa hauna."

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