' I identify as They,Them' Jony the hairdresser

Piece by: ZENNA ISSA

•John Mungai gets a chance to flaunt his natural nails in an interview with Mpasho journalist. Read along to learn more about his hair business.

Jony hairdresser
Jony hairdresser Jony hairdresser
Image: Instagram

John Mungai famously known as Jony Hairdresser is a famous cross-dresser and entrepreneur in Kenya and the owner of Jony Hairstyles.

In a quickfire session with Mpasho journalist Kalondu Misyimi, the hairdresser flaunted his magnificent nails in public and boasted they were natural. 

Other than flaunting his amazing nails, he went on and described his look was from mtush " mtumba"

He further confessed that his first job was being a shampoo boy and the place he worked for used to pay him 200

Klaondu: What is your real name?

John: John Mukuna Mungai.

Kalondu: What is your nickname?

John: Kajohnny or Johnny.

Kalondu: How much do you charge for make-up?

John: I charge KSH 5500 for the studio and 7500 when I come to you.

Kalondu: What is one misconception about you?

John: That I have attitude, nikona maringo that is not true, I'm chilled, I vibes, I'm kind , polite  I mean I am a human being

Kalondu:  Who are you dating?

John: Mtu nina date hayuko kwa the public eye ako very chilled, very reserved, conserved akona pesa mingi of course hehehehe!

Kalondu: What is your type?

John:  Well kept, intelligent, smart, creative, goofy sipendi mtu ako serious sana na life.

 Kalondu: What are you currently working on?

John: I'm currently working on a hair project, I'm working on a wig project utaeza kuvaa kama kofia, itakuwa na editions mingi ranging from safari edition, work edition, vacation edition.

Kalondu: How much have you spent on your business?

John: I have spent a lot, I've spent a fortune on my business, you know for a business you have to be trending.

Kalondu: What was your first job?

John: Shamboo boy and they used to pay me 200 shillings per day.

Kalondu: First thing you notice about someone the first time you see them?

John: Eyebrows, wigs and outfits.

Kalondu: What do you normally pray for?

John: Wealth, health, wealth, health, happiness, prosperity, favour, spiritual growth, and friendly friends you know.

Kalondu: What quote do you resonate with?

John: Just do you, do you, move with it, go with it be yourself,  listen to yourself

Kalondu: Do you have pronouns?

John: They, them, she in this element and he in the element vile utataka tu.

Below is the full video of the quickfire.

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