Mourning Maina Kageni reveals touching details about his relationship with the late Sean Cardovillis

• The late sportscaster was found dead at a staircase of his residence in Westlands, Nairobi.

Maina Kageni
Image: Instagram

Well-known Classic105 host, Maina Kageni has sent a heartfelt condolence message to the late veteran Capital FM presenter Sean Cardovillis.

Maina revealed some unknown details about the sports newscaster stating that the late had been his first boss ever and he had mentored him.

"You were my first boss in media.... you mentored me and clapped for me at every stage of my career.... I thank you for that...." he began.

Kageni went on to praise the late Cardovillis for his fighting spirit that saw him come back to the industry right after suffering a life-threatening illness.

"Sports ran in your veins.... you battled back from your illness and got back on air where it all started for us all @capitalfmkenya go well.... you achieved everything that you set out to do.... I will fondly remember you.... RIP Sean..... safiri salama.... @capitalfmkenya pole for losing one of😪😪😪😪😪😪"

The late Sean Cardovillis with President William Ruto
Image: Twitter

Meanwhile, head of state William Ruto also joined Maina and other Kenyans in mourning the late Capital FM journalist Sean.

While sharing a photo with the late Cardovillis, the president penned a lovely message on his Twitter page and praised the late for his contribution to the radio industry.

"Saddened by the passing of a brilliant and outstanding sports broadcaster Sean Cardovillis. He was a cool, insightful and gifted journalist who played an integral role on our radio stations," he wrote.

He finished by stating that sending the family a hearty condolence message. 

"We will miss his clear and concise voice, passion and upbeat personality. Our prayers are with his family and media fraternity at this painful time. Rest in Peace, Sean."

From us at, may he rest in peace.

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