Dj Pinye updated about his fathers medical condition

DJ Pinye opens up about dad's heartbreaking medical condition

• "Medications offered little relief, but then we stumbled upon Coconut Oil," he shared.

DJ Pinye has opened up about his dad's medical condition which has improved owing to a simple tip. The mixmaster said that his dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

"Some time ago, my dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, a truly devastating experience for anyone. Watching his memories fade away as the condition progressed was heart-wrenching. Medications offered little relief, but then we stumbled upon Coconut Oil.

We stopped his medications and began adding Coconut Oil to his daily diet. Miraculously, he started to recover some of his lost memories."

Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia. It is a progressive disease beginning with mild memory loss and possibly leading to loss of the ability to carry on a conversation and respond to the environment. Alzheimer's disease involves parts of the brain that control thought, memory, and language.

Pinye received an outpouring of love for his disclosure.

"Today, I took him upcountry, and to my surprise, he remembered everyone there. I'm sure some people noticed the astonishment on my face, but if they knew the challenges we'd faced, they would understand. While I don't recommend substituting this for professional medical advice, in our case, treating it as a food supplement worked wonders. Whether it will work for you remains to be seen, but COCONUT VIRGIN OIL was a game-changer for us. You can thank me later."

The prayers for his father and get-well messages warmed his heart as he responded to as many as he could with more tips.

Check out some comments from Kenyans below;

misswainaina...Alzheimers is tough on caregivers. Glad you found something that works. More grace to you es bless him. Such good news. Also say hi to your sister Catherine, tell her it's Brijo🙏🏽

zena.salim.54...We a fortunate to leave along the coast we use coconut oils on our everyday use be it cooking, on our hair and body and so many uses. I personally make the 🥥 oil since we have coconut trees in our farm, thanks for the very important information though, happy your dad is ok.

nzolove1....That is so good. I pray for his quick recovery in Jesus name. It is well my brother

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