Crazy stunts that football fans did after losing a bet

• Kapkeno had expressed confidence in his favorite club Manchester United winning against The Gunners and even vowed to eat 30 eggs should last season’s Carabao Cup winners lose.

• In March, comedian Arap Uria embarked on a bicycle trip from Eldoret town to Nairobi City to after his favorite team, Chelsea lost to Manchester United.

Crazy stunts that football fans did after losing bet

A Kenyan artist, Thomas Kiptanui Kemboi alias Kapkeno has been trending after he was hospitalized for eating 15 eggs in a bid to fulfill a of eating a whole tray of eggs if Manchester United got beaten by Arsenal.

Kapkeno had expressed confidence in his favorite club Manchester United winning against The Gunners at Emirates Stadium last Sunday and even vowed to eat 30 eggs should last season’s Carabao Cup winners lose.

Well, at the end of the normal 90 minutes plus added time of play in London on Sunday, the score read Arsenal 3- Manchester United 1, meaning Kapkeno had lost his bet and he had to eat the eggs.

The Eldoret-based artist later attempted to fulfill his promise as a couple of his friends watched and streamed the whole incident live on Facebook.

However, when he had eaten half the tray, he appeared to develop complications and he collapsed.

His friends who at first thought he was joking then took him to the hospital where he was diagnosed with constipation and was admitted.

Kapkeno however is not the first person to make a crazy bet over a football match. 

Check out others who did crazy things after losing a bet;-

2. Arap Uria

In March, comedian Arap Uria embarked on a bicycle trip from Eldoret town to Nairobi City to after his favorite team, Chelsea lost to Manchester United.

Uria had promised to make the approximately 311 kilometres trip on a bicycle if Manchester United beat The Blues at the Old Trafford stadium.

Unfortunately for him, the match ended with the Red Devils winning 4-1, meaning he had to embark on the journey.

3. Comedian Gogo Small

In March, an Eldoret-based comedian ‘Gogo Small’ who is also a big Manchester United was forced to walk half naked in the streets of the town in Uasin Gishu county after he had earlier promised to do so if his favorite team lost to Liverpool in an EPL match.

To keep his word, the comedian stripped half-naked and whistled as he walked in the streets of Eldoret after Liverpool beat the Red Devils 7-0. He was left in only pampers after taking off other clothes before taking a stroll.

4. Stanley Amani na Tonny Shilla

In 2018, two Tanzanian men, Stanley Amani and Tonny Shilla made a written agreement where they swore to surrender their wives for a whole week should either Manchester United or Manchester City lose in the English Premier League.

Amani stated in the agreement that his friend Shilla will take his wife if Manchester City doesn’t win. Shilla, on the other hand, agreed to give up his wife for the same period should Manchester United lose.

5. Binod Kumar Shah

An Indian man, Binod Kumar Shah, also gambled his wife away in November 2019 and reportedly assaulted her when she refused to go.

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