Men: Why we spend nights at women's houses

Piece by: ZENNA ISSA

Men who live in women's houses have you no shame and pride?

couple in bed


Today's conversation at Classic 105, was about men who spend nights in women's houses and find no shame in it.

The duo was disappointed by today's men wondering how they dare to spend a whole weekend at a woman's house yet they don't feel anything.

Mwalimu King'ang'i in a dissatisfied tone said 

" We need to separate men was kitambo na men wa sai, men who live in women's houses have you no pride?"

A caller chipped in on the convo by saying:

"Wanawake wanajua kutafuta wanataka tu mwanaume , mimi huenda kwa dem yangu kila weekend na yeye anaishi kawangware na mimi Kiambu."

(Women know how to work hard, they just need a man. I go to my girlfriend's place in Kawangware every weekend yet I live in Kiambu.)

A lady called and said she's disappointed by men who stay in women's houses and she doesn't see the man as a woman, the guy is disrespectful to the whole men generation.

"Hii ni kumpima, wanaume tunawapima because a real man can't accept to spend the night at a woman's place, vile wanaendelea watakuja kuoleka wajengewe nyumba kwa kina bibi."

The same caller who said he has a 66-year-old Mumaz yesterday added more reasons why he can go to a woman's place claiming he is making money out of it.

He added "Tunajenga future, she doesn't even look 66, nitaenda kwake coz niko job hiyo ni shift."

The duo made fun of the caller asking what the young 23-year-old was doing there and if his older woman had any teeth left.

"Munaongelea ukombozi ya nchi na huyo ajuza wako ama nini, huyo mwanamke ameona six decades unamwambia nini... kwanza akona meno zote kweli au ni kibogoyo? Huyo ajuza wako akona meno? acha kutudanganya acha kuenda kwa huyo mama. Asanti mchimbaji was migodi. Uko kwa relationship unashikilia ngozi na pegs." 

Some men defended themselves by comparing women to livestock and it's normally the veteran who visits the livestock, not the other way around so he sees no problem in men staying at women's houses.

Most young men said they don't have a problem with going to a woman's place it's the women who initiate and they don't want to disappoint them so they'll go and it's very comfortable staying at a woman's house. 

Older men and some of the ladies who admitted to having invited some men over had different opinions, they all see men who easily accept a woman's invite and decide to forever spend their weekends at the girl's place as less of a man.

Some listeners decided to tweet their opinions. below are some of the tweets:

Jennifer Kanyiri@jennykanyiri -These are just ticks kind of men who only live depending on ladies to sustain them in everything (,tumfugo) as they are referred, Where did the men's ego of being a gentleman disappear to, so sad indeed if these are the men we have in our society #MainaAndKingangi

Angela Muthoni Nyakinyua@AngelaM87677375-They are so useless. they even ask if we are ready to cook tea for them as if it's a restaurant they are coming to. Others have the audacity to open someone's fridge and get drinks from there mannerlessly as if they even bought anything. #MainaAndKingangi@ItsMainaKageni

Njêrî Ngûnû@Sherrywambs@Classic105Kenya@ItsMainaKageni -Men, don't be shameless. Let the woman come to your house. Otherwise, the day she will lack interest in you, utajipata nje embarrassed thoroughly and maybe even she will be shouting at you saying how useless you are. Preserve your ego!

Ellikins Llama@EllikinsL69344#mainaandkingangi -for real it is not a good habit and men should learn to be real men you are supposed to host a lady and not a lady hosting you kwani umeoleka ama unamuoa.

The duo finished the show by saying they still don't understand why men would want to stay in a woman's house.

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