Zuchu to sue social commentator

•Mwijaku alleged that Zuchu had been fornicating and that her mother was cheering her on


A Tanzanian social commentator, Mwijaku has angered singer Zuchu after he exchanged harsh words on Instagram with Zuchu's mother Khadija Kopa.

Mwijaku alleged that Zuchu had been fornicating and that her mother was cheering her on. Zuchu mother did not take the allegations slightly and went on to slam the social commentator.

Zuchu on the other hand vowed that she would use every penny to see Mwijaku behind bars.

"Kwenu hakuna wazinzi? Hujamaliza kuzugumza nao mpaka ukamuongelea mamangu kwenye press? Wallahi, I will use every single penny in my account, nitakutolea mfano."

(Are there no fornicators in your place?  You are not done talking with them, now you are talking about my mum with the press? I will use every penny in my account and make an example out of you)

She added "Nimekuacha mno, illa kwa hili la mamamngu, utakua fundisho kwa wenzio."

(I have let you be for so long, but now that you have touched my mum I will use you as an example to other people.)

In his defense, Mwijaku said that Zuchu's mother was the one who took to is Instagram to slam him. Mama Zuchu said the social commentator was disrespecting her.

"We hukusoma dini gani imesema umdhalilishe mwanaadamu mwenzio kwa njia yeyote wewe nimdhalilishaji wa wanawake mpaka picha za utupu umetuma kumdhalilisha leo unajifanya unajuwa dini nijibu kwa aya aya gani imesema umdhalilishe mtu .Nilikwambia nataka mtu azini nimekwambia ndoa unaona dilili kwani mtu huolewa na Alieandikiwa nae nani anae taka mtoto wake azini wewe unakipwate unajiona wewe peke yako hapa duniani uko sawa wakati unayoyafanya huyaoni unayafumbia macho kwa kuwatolea wenzio maneno ya karaja unajifanya unachekesha unafikiri watu wanapenda unaowafanyoa au hujasikia atemdhalilisha mwenziwe naye atadhalilishwa mara mia moja."



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