To show or not to show affection publicly? Kenyans share their thoughts

  • Would you show affection to your partner in public?
Couple shows affection by holding hands.
Image: Photos For Class

What are your thoughts on the public display of affection?

This was the topic of the day during today's Morning Kiss alongside Chito and Kwambox.

A lady called in and confessed how she is dating a guy who doesn't show affection to her in public, can't hold her hand in public, and doesn't look her way when walking in public but he does this at home.

The lady says that the boyfriend hasn't introduced her to his friends as the girlfriend, he just introduced her by her name.

Weighing on both the ladies and the gentlemen, the ladies seem to be okay with public affection than the gentlemen.

Kwambox says, "If I am your partner you should treat me differently, if I am excited to see you then act like you are excited too."

Many Kenyans seem to prefer private affection from a pole created by Kiss FM many voted for private dating.

Here are some thoughts that Kenyans have shared on Public displays of affection.

Caller 1: "Mimi nilazima watu wajue tunapendana."

Caller 2: "I don't like it, When we hold hands in public then later break up people will say that it was a show-off, let us show affection at home."

Caller 3: "Hakuna haja ya kushikana mkono with your partner in public. Kwani nyinyi ni watoto?!"

Chivas A-turn: iyo ni ujinga mapenzi ni ya mature enough to do what you're the right time at the right place.

Ted Nyakinya: If i feel deep enough what people say is secondary.

Alecky De Kamaradi: PDA is for women men don't like it unless its the first time this boy is falling in love.

Msau Kavusya: Hidden relationship lasts for long than Open ones.

Margaret Maggie: Mi wangu alisema nsiambie mtu tunadate

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