This is what turns Hamisa's man on

• Mobetto welcomed her Togolese lover in Tanzania on Sunday

Hamisa Mobetto
Image: Instagram

Hamisa Mobetto is in Tanzania with her Togolese lover Kevin Sowax. Kevin started his Tanzanian visit by doing charity work at the Muhimbili hospital in Dar Es Salaam, where he and Mobetto visited the kids' ward.

Mr Sowax said he would also be creating a business idea which will be ventured in Tanzania. Asked if they are tying the knot soon, Mobetto said.

"We have the plans, by God's will, it will happen."

As a fashion enthusiast, Sowax was asked which kind of clothes he loves on Mobetto.

"I can't specify because she looks good all the time," he said

He insisted that he likes the colour blue on her even though she is a fashion lover 'I love when she wears blue." he said

The couple met four months ago in China.

"It was four months ago. As soon as I saw her, I was down," said Sowax in a previous interview

He added that he never knew that Mobetto was a celebrity when he dated her.

"I did not know. I swear I didn't know. For me, it doesn't change anything. It took me like four days she know that she is a superstar."

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