Hamisa finally reacts to being Harmonize's BFF

Mobetto's was asked if he knew that his woman, Mobetto had a male BFF

Image: Instagram

Singer harmonize has been flaunting Hamisa Mobetto, describing her as his BFF (Best Friend Forever). Fans have gotten concerned over their new found friendship as Mobetto is in a serious relationship with businessman Kevin Sowax.

Speaking at the airport when she had just welcomed her boyfriend to Tanzania, Mobetto declined rumour of having a romantic relationship with Konde Boy.

"He's just a friend, nothing more, nothing less."

Kevin was asked if he knew that his woman, Mobetto had a male BFF but before he could answer, Mobetto interrupted and said.

"He doesn't know all my friends and its not a big deal."

Asked how he felt that Hamisa was reading his DMs, he said he personally doesn't read his own DMs.

"I don't read."

Hamisa added "Thats why he has me."

Hamisa and her man
Hamisa and her man

Harmonize recently put a photo of Mobetto as his wallpaper after he declared that the two are best friends. He responded to criticism.

"Tutaendelea lini (When will we ever move on)? Kwa hivyo hata rafiki sitakiwi kua nae(Am I not supposed to have a friend)?...She's just my friend and that's just it. She's a long time friend and she's even dating. Mtafanya watu waogopane sasa (You'll now start making people fear each other)."


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