Singer Harmonize explains why he is staying celibate

• Harmonize has vowed to stay celibate for 30 days

Image: Instagram

 Tanzanian singer Harmonize has decided to stay celibate. The singer says this is a measure of how far he can go without getting involved in bedroom matters.

Harmonize has vowed to stay celibate for 30 days.

"Hiki ni kipimo tosha cha kujipima na mahusiano yangu ya milele yafuatayo," he wrote on Instagram stories

(This is just a measure of how my relationship is going to be)

He added;

"Yaani nikivuka hiki kipimo nitaamini I'm matured. Nachukua jiko, naweka ndani, maskini hata akisafiri week mbili inakua ni mchezo mdoho kwangu just like that."

(When I am passed this 30 days, I'll know I'm matured. I will get a wife, marry her, even when she goes on a trip for two weeks, it will be easy for me)

For the last few months, Harmonize has been speaking about his heartbreak, caused by his ex girlfriend Fridahh Kajala.

"Hello dear EX, nimepata tetesi za kwamba unanisema ili nionekane sio mwema, pengine una stress, maana umekonda mwepesi, ukimya si ukilema ila nachunga vya kusema, maana niliubeba msalaba nikawa mi ndo mama ndo baba nikajichanga tujaze kibaba mbona hausemi?" Harmonize said.

“"Kiume nilishukuru nikapangusa m*tak* nikakuacha uende ukawe huru, Range na duka ni vyako nibaki na m*kend*."

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