Classic 105's Maina Kageni offers to help caller addicted to smoking

Piece by: ZENNA ISSA

• The bad habits Kenyan women of today have.

• The duo started the show by explaining how they were astonished and how yesterday's morning show was an eye-opener to what is currently happening to Kenyan ladies.

Maina Kageni
Image: Instagram

During the Morning Conversation on Classic 105, the topic of the day was Habits that women need to stop. The topic was inspired by yesterday's show that talked about women who smoke weed. 

The duo started the show by explaining how they were astonished and how yesterday's morning show was an eye-opener to what is currently happening to Kenyan ladies.

In the morning show, Mwalimu King'ang'i showed his disappointment by stating:

"Anavuta shisha na weed anaafanywa fwaaaa! anapotelea kwa moshi kama mganga."

He further explained that women who take shisha are worse and have become experts in making the drug at home.

"Kwanza hawa wa shisha! Anatoa mpaka na mapua anapotelelea huko kwa moshi na nowadays wanatengeneza mpaka kwa nyumba. Yaani mpaka Mc gogo ako huko anakupea shoutout kwa club. That's the mother of your children. Machosss!

Woman smoking shisha
Image: courtesy

Maina offered to get a counsellor for one of the callers after she confessed that she is suffering and can't stop smoking weed no matter how hard she tries.

After smoking in the club she is normally hyperactive.

The duo added that a woman who smokes Shisha, Smokes weed, and takes alcohol is bad for the family and generation.

Some listeners opted to join the conversation by stating that nowadays women have normalized smoking and drinking alcohol openly.

Surprisingly their men are okay with their bad habits and some often buy drugs for their wives so that they can take them together.

Some listeners decided to tweet their dissatisfaction online;

Lec wa KyU: Wacha kusmoke, msichana analewa pombe issa turn off. huyo msichana can do anything ndo apate pombe, atakuacha kwa nyumba akalewe, na atakuwa kitoweo cha walevi wenzake. again how will she raise her children when she is smoking#mainaandkingangi@ItsMainaKageni@Classic105Kenya

Atte David - Buana Mimi hata kama unakunywa Gin Potea kabisaaa huyo no Shetani utamuacha kwa nyumba ulirudi Jioni kutoka kazi utapata ameuza Gas Cooker amenunua shisha na Sigara na Gin huyo ni Shetani#MainaAndKingangi

Collince Oduor - Just look around maina how guys are when they smoke. Utadhani wamefika. As much as u c them puff that smoke, her value,respect,dignity evaporates too. After being worthless too she will attract a hopeless man in her life. Kingangi, hebu mwambia maina ukweli. Hadi watoto wa shule?

Sir Albert - How does even one think of smoking especially women??? In our community we consider them evil #MainaAndKingangi

sammy onteri - How can you have a woman smoking then you yourself have never tried in your lifetime? That's belittling our society.

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