Maina Kageni calls out women who smoke bhang

Piece by: ZENNA ISSA

• Marriages becoming abusive leading women to take refuge in marijuana.

Maina Kageni

The number of drugs consumed by women is becoming more alarming, something that was highlighted in today's morning show on Classic 105.

The topic of the day was whether men can date ladies who smoke cannabis sativa.

The Classic105 presenters were disheartened to hear that women can start smoking from as early as seven in the morning and then spray some nice perfume to hide the scent.

After smoking they head to work and continue with their normal life like they didn't just smoke rolls of cannabis in the morning.

Some listeners called to blurt out that they have been smoking for the last twenty years and don't have any signs of stopping.

"I have been smoking for the last 20 years, we smoke with my husband in the house and as we are speaking I am smoking in the bedroom."

Woman smoking weed
Image: Courtesy

The listener further went on and said that she knows doctors, policemen and pastors who smoke. She additionally added that she knows a pastor who buys six rolls in a day.

Although some listeners were against it completely terming ladies who smoke marijuana as a big no for them, others were openly supportive and added that they were introduced to the drugs by their better half.

One listener divulged to the presenter duo that this thing is real and married women use it a lot. She later said that her marriage became abusive and her married friends were the ones who introduced her and she's been happy.

She was able to get out of the abusive relationship and is not looking forward to any new relationship, she's happy with her weed.

A listener joked that Maina Kageni should try it once he will know why people take it, he shouldn't judge it and he doesn't know the experience.

Efforts to convince the duo to abuse marijuana were futile since they insisted it was not good and women shouldn't take it.

The duo finished their conversation by saying that they are extremely disappointed that ladies are abusing marijuana and that they need to continue this conversation tomorrow.

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