To date or not to date someone with Tattoos?

• Different tattoos have different meanings.

• Tattoos can be on certain body parts or on the entire body.

Maryaan Njoki: Nicholus Kioko
Image: courtesy

On different occasions, women with tattoos have been victimized.

They are made to feel less of a 'woman.'

In a recent case, a woman who was to be taken home to meet her boyfriend's parents was left heartbroken after the man alleged his parents wouldn't want a woman with tattoos.

Sam West now says having or not having tattoos does not make one better than the other person.

It also doesn't mean one is not good enough to be someone's wife.

" Tattoos should be a reason for you not to choose someone as a partner.

A person's heart is more important. Most people tattooed themselves before they knew better.

Choose someone based on character and not based on their look."

In the past, Andrew Kibe has hit women with Tattoos saying they are walking red flags and that they do not make good wives.

Murugi Munyi hit back saying she is happily married yet she has seven tattoos.

"I have been married for 5 years. I have a belly piercing, 7 piercings in each ear, a nose ring, and 5 tattoos (all piercings and 4 of those tattoos I had way before I got married,” Murugi disclosed.

She added that the only thing that makes a woman a wife material is being a woman.

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