"Satan wanted to kill me!" Size 8 recounts about life-threatening illness

• The musician has been battling high blood pressure during her recent pregnancies.

Size 8 reborn
Image: Instagram

Famous preacher and singer of gospel songs Linet Munyali aka Size 8 has emotionally recalled the period in which he fought a life-threatening disease.

In a post on Tuesday, the mother of two shared a video of a collection of photos taken while she was hospitalized.

In the description of the video published on Instagram, Size 8 thanked God for saving her life while noting that the devil intended to kill her.

"The devil wanted to kill me. But Jesus said No. Now my life belongs to Jesus, wherever he leads me I follow," Size 8 said on Tuesday.

In the photos of the memories collected in the video that she published, DJ Mo's wife was seen in the hospital where she seemed to be unwell.

By looking at the pictures, one can easily tell that he was going through a lot of pain during that period.

To prove how God treated her with miracles, the singer also showed her current photos where she looked healthy and preaching the word of God in church and meetings.

"My life is yours, Jesus Christ, I follow your way," she said.

Last year, the musician revealed that he has been struggling with high blood pressure for the past five years. Through 'The Murayas' YouTube channel, she said she was diagnosed with the disease on January 31, 2015.

The illness was discovered after she fainted in the street while she was on her way home after performing at a concert she had attended with her husband Samuel Muraya aka DJ Moh.

"I fainted while in the city and was taken to a hospital there. That's when I was told that my blood pressure was too high. I was not well. From that day I started taking blood pressure medication," she said.

The mother of two said that the disease has been increasing her from time to time and made her hospitalized several times since it was diagnosed. She said she had been fighting it bravely.

However, she admitted that recently the disease had affected her to such an extent that she suffered from depression and wanted to give up hope in life.

"This time it was not easy for me. I felt I was drowning in a cloud of thoughts. If it wasn't for the grace of God, I think I would have died completely. I felt like I was tired of fighting, tired of continuing, tired of waiting, tired of waiting for a miracle. I often did not feel well.

There were times Moh came to the accommodation room and I told him I don't feel cool and I feel hopeless. That was after I got out of the hospital. We had a long conversation with him," she said.

The musician said DJ Moh has been a very important pillar in her struggle with high blood pressure and has been encouraging her and urging her not to give up.

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