Maureen comments about baby daddys enjoying time with their exes as condition for co parenting

Maureen Waititu reveals the smart co-parenting boundaries she has for Frankie JustGymIt

• The lawyer and model also disclosed that she might have had doubts having kids with what she knows today.

Maureen Waititu with Frankie JustGymIt
Image: Instagram

Maureen Waititu has been co-parenting with the father of her children, fitness coach Frankie JustGymIt. She recently disclosed how their arrangement goes, saying that their children's happiness is their priority.

Maureen appeared on NTV Weekend Edition with Dr. Kingori where she spoke further about their arrangement.

Is there anything Maureen Waititu would do differently about her life choices?

"Well, I love my sons so much. I got my first one when I was in school. Looking back sometimes I'm like if I knew what I know, and I didn't have them, there's a high chance I wouldn't have children. Wueh cost of living, then to know co-parenting, and a compatible partner. It takes a lot but well here we are."

courtesy NTV
courtesy NTV

She has a five and a seven-year-old boy. There was also one other thing Dr Kingori was curious about-the matter of men enjoying 'retirement benefits'.

"Let's get this out of the way before we continue. It's about the single mothers and the father of the child na retirement benefits. I know you know what that means. As in do you struggle with that?"

He clarifies that he is curious about whether when dating, a new man wonders if a woman is still with the baby daddy.

"Like when you meet someone you wanna date are there guarantees that mahali watoto walitoka mwenye watoto hakujiangi pension, and then."

He also wondered if the new man gives ultimatums about cutting off communication with the baby daddy because he doesn't want any links with the past.

Maureen laughs shyly and responds, "I've seen that a lot. Definitely it hasn't happened to me. Because maybe the guys I interact with wanajua anaendaga gym," she laughs as Kingori says the same thing.

"But that aside, there's definite respect. First of all, It has to start with me. I have to make it very clear our connection is these kids, and hizo benefits zingine, hizo ni stori za jaba."

"But in reality, life is what you set. Kama ni umeamua sina boundaries with the father of my kids, definitely no matter how how secure my partner is, atakuwa ai ati munaongea juu ya nini? Ati mlikutana wapi? But because of boundaries, it's very clear. Then when you meet a person who understands that those kids have a father, so ni mimi tu unadeal na mimi," she shared.

She failed a lot of exes for not setting boundaries, leading to situations that could have been avoided.

"Unaskia ati sijui baba ya mtoto wangu anakuja saa ngapi . Personally, I don't even think he should be entering that house. He should drop the kids outside the door or gate, aende zake. Coz you never know what will happen if he enters your house."

Kingori disagreed with Maureen's sentiments saying, "Isn't that a bit extreme if a man can't enter your house if it gets to a point that small differences and he can't enter your house, you can't trust yourself?"

Maureen defended her comments saying, "If he enters the house, sits down, and starts drinking tea, aingie kwa mabedroom, are you seeing boundaries?"

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