Winnie has a rare type fo breast cancer

Every 21 days I require sh100k - Actress Bwire Ndubi says of breast cancer

• She has a new film for educating Kenyans about cancer.

• She has stage four breast cancer.

bwire ndubi courtesy instagram
bwire ndubi courtesy instagram

Sultana actress Dida whose real name is Bwire Ndubi has battled breast cancer for almost a year and a half.

In an interview with Lynn Ngugi, Bwire shared the challenges of battling the conditions that come with it.

Among those are the financial constraints as the treatment she is getting for her breast cancer is costly. "Every 21 days I require sh100,00."

She says she has held back from appealing for help from Kenyans for such a burden

"Where NHIF could not, the family came in. coz the current stage I am in is called target therapy.

It is a crime to be sick in this country. because the medication is so expensive.

Every 21 days I require one hundred thousand. I take tablets, it has seen me through treatments, and the top-ups have been manageable"

She is currently making a film about battling breast cancer.

"About what a day in the life of someone battling cancer looks like, what to do, what not to do. We will try and make it as non-boring as possible" she assured.

She used to go through a phase of extreme fatigue, especially in the morning which worried her. She put it down to not having enough sleep or hunger.

She also noticed that when her period came, her underarm used to feel a heartbeat in her armpit. She went for multiple medical interventions until it was found out she was at stage four cancer.Ever since the cost has been astronomical.

Her mum is also a survivor of breast cancer. She leans on her mum for moral support.

"If there is anything my journey has taught me is that its never the same. Sometimes she doesn't have answers to my problems, because her experience was completely different.

She got diagnosed early, unlike me"Bwire" for me it was found when I was at the edge of the cliff, literally stage four. I battle a rare type of breast cancer called DCIS."

She says diet is very expensive

"I have to eat organic, these are the lessons I had to learn"She was diagnosed when she was in stage four of the condition. She has been on a journey of positivity. It has been turbulent, some nights I still cry, I struggle with the fact that all people see in me is death."

These things traumatize her

You might think you are encouraging me that is putting me down" she shared about people's comments about cancer and death."

I understand that you are trying to relate, but that's not how you do it"She says the cost is quite huge.

Her greatest lesson?

"We go crazy because we are trying to control what we are going through. Let go and let God. It is the hardest thing o put into practice. You get a new sense of freedom. I got to a point of my journey I was feeling heavily laden."

She went for multiple medical interventions until it was found out she was at stage four cancer.Ever since the cost has been astronomical. Her mum is also a survivor of breast cancer. She leans on her mum for moral support.

"If there is anything my journey has taught me is that its never the same.

Sometimes she doesn't have answers to my problems, because her experience was completely different. She got diagnosed early, unlike me.

For me it was found when I was at the edge of the cliff, literally stage four. I battle a rare type of breast cancer called DCIS."

She says diet is every expensive

"I have to eat organic, these are the lessons I had to learn"

She was diagnosed when she was in stage four of the condition. She has been on a journey of positivity

"It has been turbulent, some nights I still cry, I struggle with the fact that all people see in me is death.You might think you are encouraging me that is putting me down"

She shared about peoples comments about cancer and death.

"I understand that you are trying to relate, bu that's not how you do it?"

Her greatest lesson?

"We go crazy because we are trying to control what we are going through. Let go and let God. It is the hardest thigh o put into practice. You get a new sense of freedom. I got to a point of my journey I was feeling of heavy laden."

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