I have a child with an MP who's a deadbeat- Kenyan woman shares her frustrations

She said their grade 1 school going child has had to leave school for lack of fees as the MP is seen giving bursaries to other kids on social media

Maina Kageni
Image: Instagram

A Kenyan woman has narrated to Classic 105 presenters Maina and King'ang'i on their morning show 'Maina and King'ang'i In The Morning' that she sired a child with a Kenyan member of parliament who has refused to take responsibility.

The caller said she and the Mheshimiwa share a six-year-old child.

"I have a child with someone in the government, a very senior person. A Member of Parliament to be precise. He doesn't take responsibility, he doesn't pay school fees."

She said their grade 1 shcool going child has had to leave school for lack of fees as the MP is seen giving bursaries to other kids on social media.

"He does everything on social media and pretends he's a good person but does not take responsibility. I have tried all my best to do what I can for my baby. But this person is trying to shine out there and pretend like nothing happened. These men are just a mess to us. As we talk, my kid is out of school because I can't afford school fees. I can't get access to him. On social media he shows he's been giving bursaries to other children but he can't pay for his own."

The caller added that she had been so quiet and was now willing to let the cat out of the bag.

"I have been so patient but nimeamua sasa nitalipua."

Maina advised the caller to sue the Mheshimiwa and get money for child support. 

"I have been thinking of that," said the caller

King'ang'i asked if the child was really the Mp's.

"Mtoto ni wake 100 percent. Wanafanana copy and paste."

She went on to tell King'ang'i that she met the Mhesh when he was a nominated MCA.

"He was a nominated MCA, he then became an MCA and now he's an MP."

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