4th child? Karen Nyamu raises pregnancy questions with new video

• The senator welcomed her third child, Wairimu in February last year.

Karen Nyamu
Image: Instagram

Nominated senator Karen Nyamu has left netizens talking after she shared a video showing her looking pregnant.

On Monday, the mother-of-three posted a video of herself in an elevator in which she was seen holding her protruding belly, adding to the already swirling rumors that she may be pregnant with her fourth child.

"It's been a long time," she captioned the video. However, she did not share more details about the video. It is also unclear whether the video is current or an old video.

Could the UDA senator be pregnant with another child, just one year after giving birth to her third child?

Her photos taken during the launch of the business of Akothee's daughter, Vesha Okello, on Saturday evening had already raised questions among netizens who noticed that her stomach appeared abnormally protruding.

A large group of netizens who commented on the photos of the politician who is not lacking in drama in life distributed by Mpasho claimed that it was obvious that she was pregnant.

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Karen Nyamu is a mother of three children, two girls and one boy. She had the last two children with her boyfriend, the famous singer of Mugithi songs Samuel Muchoki aka Samidoh, while her first child came from her relationship with the famous Kenyan gramophone player, DJ Saint. The senator-elect welcomed his last child, Wairimu in February last year.

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