Chipukeezy to host major show to celebrate 10 years in comedy

Chipukeezy reveals the best advice Caroline Mutoko ever gave him

Piece by: Maureen Waruinge

• His biggest moment was with US comedian Kart Williams.

chipukeezy ten years in comedy
chipukeezy ten years in comedy

Vincent Mwasia Mutua aka Chipukeezy is gearing up to mark ten years in comedy. He will be hosting a major gig in his home county as a celebration of comedy.

Speaking to SPM Buzz about his journey, Chipukeezy spoke about landing his first gig on the Churchill show.

"Tumekanyagaten stones, day by day."

He recalled his breakthrough moment;

"I think the first time they gave me the mic at the Churchill show, and people cracked I saw it then," he said this served as an encouragement that he could conquer comedy.

However, there was a setback, as Churchill's Show took a long break, leaving him clueless about what to do next.

"I performed the last show, the end of the season and he took a break for two or three years, so I returned to college for journalism."

In the midst of this, he went to Heartstrings where he honed his acting and comic skills, waiting for the return of Churchill.

"I was the only young boy that made it to the audition so I took advantage of all the jokes I had prepared. Then we were told our show could not make it on air, but I normally see it on youtube, so for the next ten episodes I had content every week."

When that concluded he got a call from Caroline Mutoko to join Kiss FM. He took up the job offer. He told SPM how Carolien inspired him.

"Carol inspired me to dream, to see, to believe."

He said he made the mistake of taking his stardom but he soon learnt a huge lesson.

"I was a star and she told me Chipukeey usiwahi fika, these microphones we are using are never ours. don't let the microphone get into your head."

Her influence with CEOs also marked a huge turning point in Chipukeezys life. "She was introducing me to a different world and allowing me to be myself, and I remember coz now we started talking, I started wanting to be successful."

He calls her his mentor, whose strictness turned his life around.

"She told me there was more to it than sleeping with girls, and all those things, it was an experience that I can't forget."

His biggest moment in comedy over the ten years has been opening for US comedian Kart Williams In Washington DC. He got the job from a Nigerian comedian who hooked him up.

"It was one of those moments, coz what happened after covid I got worried coz we've have shut down. I stayed home for one year to reflect about what is this thing we do, how did I find myself here. I started asking myself what's next apart from online, and skits, and kuenda interviews, what is really next?"

He sets his sights abroad, "So then I was able to look at the industry like Africa in terms of entertainment. As Kenyans where are we as entertainers? Where do successful comedians go? I realized that US comedy was going on, so nikajiambia inakaa kule game ndio inachezewa. So I told myself for you to be a pro you must try and go that side. Game recognizes game., coz tuko limited na African audience."

He is planning for a comedy tour soon to include over 13 comedians.

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